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Oracle: GridMarkets Empowers Creative Innovators with the Power to Heal
GridMarkets plugs into Oracle Cloud's high performance computing to create drug modeling simulations solutions that help researchers develop treatments faster and more cost-effectively than traditional on-premises compute resources.
HPC in Healthcare: Helping Drug Researchers Simulate Molecular Reactions to COVID-19
In the pursuit of COVID-19 treatments, high performance computing steps up. GridMarkets runs its high-performance rendering platform on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, helping drug researchers simulate molecular reactions to COVID-19.
OCI Blog: Oracle High Performance Computing and GridMarkets Help Speed Development of New COVID-19 Drugs
To help speed the process of running enormous complex molecular simulations, such as the ones used to discover COVID-19 treatments, researchers harnessed the power of GridMarkets platform to burst through results in 24 hours instead of months.
Oracle News Connect: In The Pursuit of COVID-19 Treatments, High-Performance Computing Steps Up
Running computer-generated simulations that help quickly discover new drugs to battle the COVID-19 pandemic takes massive computing power. Researchers turned to GridMarkets to help them outpace the SARS-CoV-2 virus by accelerating drug design results from months or years to hours and days.
Forbes: High-Performance Cloud Speeds Drug Discovery and More
Andy Jennings PhD, Computational Chemist began using GridMarkets platform to run molecular simulations. In less than 24 hours, and at a fraction of the cost, he had rendered complex molecular models that would have taken weeks or months to process with traditional on-premises high-performance computers.
molecular simulation, drug discovery, quantumbio, amber, namd, gromacs, MOE, CCG