Hourly Pricing Plan
Pay-as-you-go billing
Billing by the machine-second
This table describes the Hourly Plan machine-hour pricing for varying simulation services ("Service"), machine configurations ("CB | OB rating") and, machine counts.
For machine counts, our discounted Economy Service provides 1 to 5 machines; our Standard Service offers 6 to 40 machines and our Rush Service delivers 41 to 100 machines. If your project requires more than 100 machines, consider our Daily Plan or contact us at Support@GridMarkets.com.​
The Hourly Plan includes 1 TB of storage. If you need more, consider our Daily Plan or contact us at Support@GridMarkets.com.
Service | Machine | CB | OB rating | Type | RAM (gb) | Economy Pricing (1 to 5 machines) | Standard Pricing (6 to 40 machines) | Rush Pricing (41 to 100 machines) |
Amber | GM1600 | CB = 5,000 | CPU | 32 | $0.68 | $0.85 | $1.11 |
Amber | GM4800 | CB = 14,000 | CPU | 64 | $1.80 | $2.26 | $2.94 |
Amber | GM6400 | CB = 18,500 | CPU | 96 | $2.13 | $2.67 | $3.47 |
Amber | GM9600 | CB = 22,000 | CPU | 128 | $3.11 | $3.89 | $5.06 |
Amber | OB220 | OB = 220 | gpu | 60 | $1.96 | $2.45 | $3.19 |
Amber | OB330 | OB = 330 | gpu | 96 | $2.96 | $3.70 | $4.81 |
Amber | OB660 | OB = 660 | gpu | 128 | $6.00 | $7.50 | $9.75 |
Amber | OB1200 | OB = 1200 | gpu | 120 | $10.40 | $13.00 | $16.90 |
Amber | OB2400 | OB = 2400 | gpu | 172 | $20.00 | $25.00 | $32.50 |
Amber | OB4800 | OB = 4800 | gpu | 640 | $39.20 | $49.00 | $63.70 |
GROMACS | GM1600 | CB = 5,000 | CPU | 32 | $0.68 | $0.85 | $1.11 |
GROMACS | GM4800 | CB = 14,000 | CPU | 64 | $1.80 | $2.26 | $2.94 |
GROMACS | GM6400 | CB = 18,500 | CPU | 96 | $2.13 | $2.67 | $3.47 |
GROMACS | GM9600 | CB = 22,000 | CPU | 128 | $3.11 | $3.89 | $5.06 |
GROMACS | OB220 | OB = 220 | gpu | 60 | $1.96 | $2.45 | $3.19 |
GROMACS | OB330 | OB = 330 | gpu | 96 | $2.96 | $3.70 | $4.81 |
GROMACS | OB660 | OB = 660 | gpu | 128 | $6.00 | $7.50 | $9.75 |
GROMACS | OB1200 | OB = 1200 | gpu | 120 | $10.40 | $13.00 | $16.90 |
GROMACS | OB2400 | OB = 2400 | gpu | 172 | $20.00 | $25.00 | $32.50 |
GROMACS | OB4800 | OB = 4800 | gpu | 640 | $39.20 | $49.00 | $63.70 |
NAMD | GM1600 | CB = 5,000 | CPU | 32 | $0.38 | $0.48 | $0.62 |
NAMD | GM4800 | CB = 14,000 | CPU | 64 | $1.23 | $1.53 | $1.99 |
NAMD | GM6400 | CB = 18,500 | CPU | 96 | $1.75 | $2.18 | $2.83 |
NAMD | GM9600 | CB = 22,000 | CPU | 128 | $2.73 | $3.41 | $4.43 |
NAMD | OB220 | OB = 220 | gpu | 60 | $1.40 | $1.75 | $2.28 |
NAMD | OB330 | OB = 330 | gpu | 96 | $2.04 | $2.55 | $3.32 |
NAMD | OB660 | OB = 660 | gpu | 128 | $4.14 | $5.17 | $6.72 |
NAMD | OB1200 | OB = 1200 | gpu | 120 | $7.20 | $9.00 | $11.70 |
NAMD | OB2400 | OB = 2400 | gpu | 172 | $13.60 | $17.00 | $22.10 |
NAMD | OB4800 | OB = 4800 | gpu | 640 | $28.00 | $35.00 | $45.50 |
* Costs are represented in $US/machine-hour. We charge by the machine-second. Costs are all inclusive (i.e. machine time; operating system and software licenses; data egress and 15 days of data storage are included).
"OB" refers to a machine's approximate Octane Benchmark performance used to deliver the service.
"CB" refers to a machines CINEBENCH performance.
Note: To help balance its machine inventory, GridMarkets may run your submission on the performance equivalent of your machine selection. Your project costs and performance will not be impacted in such cases.